Talk Less to Be Heard

I've been managing and writing code for years, and I can say that it's easier to debug bugs in software than it is to understand human beings. And that's the skill that will not go obsolete.

I was talking to one of my mentors and he mentioned, AI can take over programming but it can't overtake managing teams.

In my experience of attending meetings, most of the meeting Managers do most of the talking and expect everyone to remember everything, I barely remember most of the items discussed in an 1 hour meeting and the meetings notes are just random unopened text.

I started building a habit or a rule I would say, to not make any meeting more than 30 minutes. And if by any means I speak for more than 10 minutes without anyone's input, I tend to close the call.

Leaders should have crisp and clear communication when they talk to the team and it should be done within 5 mins. I conducted an important meeting recently and I kept it under 5 mins. I felt the message was clearly understood by everyone.

So, talk less to be heard, and also talk clearly and concisely.